How Many Blog Posts Should You Write Per Week or Month?

If you’re just starting your blog, you may wonder how many posts you should write per week to start generating traffic. That’s what I’ll explain in this post!

How many blog posts should you write per week? You should write as many blog posts as you can while still maintaining a high level of quality. 2 or 3 per week is a good goal. The more you write, the faster your blog will grow. Don’t expect significant results if you aren’t writing at least one blog post per week.

In this article, I’ll explain how many blog posts you should write per week. Plus other important factors to keep in mind.

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What Is The Ideal Number of Blog Posts To Write Per Week?

Maybe you just started a blog.

Or maybe you haven’t even started yet, and you’re just trying to figure out how much time you’ll need to devote to it each month.

The truth is that the more time and effort you put into your blog, the better your results will be.

So the ideal number of blog posts that you should write each week or month is really just as many as possible!

The more posts that you write, the faster you can expect your blog’s number of visitors to grow. Each post that you make is one more chance to rank highly in search results and drive more traffic to your site. But like they say, you miss 100% of shots that you don’t take!

But it’s important to also maintain quality over quantity.

Don’t rush out garbage posts that aren’t helpful, or that no one will want to read.

If your blog post isn’t at least 500 words long, I also wouldn’t bother publishing it. Instead save your effort and try to combine a few smaller thoughts into one larger blog post.

Is it worth starting a blog at all? Read my article Should You Start A Blog? to find out!

How Many Blog Posts Is Too Few?

When it comes to blogs, Youtube channels, or pretty much any kind of information that you put out, it operates the same.

You can think of your blog or channel kind of like an engine, or a fire that needs to be continually stoked. Otherwise you risk it going out entirely.

At a minimum, I think you need to grow your blog with a new post at least once per week. If you’re posting less frequently than this, you’ll never gain any traction.

And you definitely won’t have readers who keep coming back to check your blog if they go 7+ days without any new content.

The more content you feed to your blog, the more it will become like a roaring fire. But if you go too long without a new post, the flames will lower and your blog’s traffic will eventually become cold.

Okay, enough with the weird analogy.

How Many Blog Posts Should You Write Per Week?

I think most bloggers should aim to write at least 2 or 3 new posts per week.

Ideally you would write a new blog post every day if you want the best possible results. But I know for most people that’s not realistic, and they don’t have the time or effort to devote to that.

But most people can find an afternoon each weekend to writing a couple of blog posts for the week. Then you can schedule them to go out at regular intervals.

I would even recommend having a backlog of a few extra blogs scheduled out at any given time. That way if there’s a week that you’re just not feeling like writing, you can take a bit of a break but there won’t be any impact to your content schedule.

What’s the ideal blog post length? See my article How Long Should A Blog Post Be? to find out!

How Many Blog Posts Are Too Many?

There probably isn’t a huge benefit to releasing more than one blog post per day. Even if you have the resources and capacity to do it.

For returning readers who are coming back to your blog, this is probably too much for them to keep up with. You’ll end up getting less visitors to each article, and miss out on views overall.

So I would limit yourself to one blog post per day maximum. If you happen to write a few extra posts, schedule them out into the future instead of releasing them all on the same day.

The one caveat I would add to this rule is that it doesn’t really apply in the beginning. When you’re just starting your blog, you want to get as much content out as quickly as possible. That way you can start getting indexed by Google and having traffic driven to your site.

When I start a new blog, I’ll sometimes publish 4 or 5 new posts on the same day, and I’ve never seen any kind of negative consequences from it. If you’re releasing 30 posts all at once, it may be best to schedule them out over several days just to make it look more organic.

But in the beginning, your goal should just be to get as much content out as quickly as possible! No one is likely able to find your blog in the beginning, so you don’t have to worry about returning visitors or any of those issues.

Struggling to pump out content? See my article How To Write A Blog Post or Article FAST! for some tips and tricks!

How Many Blogs Should You Write For A Client?

My advice so far is for people who run their own blog. If you’re a freelance blogger who maintains a blog for a client or just writes the posts for them, your situation will be different.

For freelance bloggers, it’s common to experience a feast and famine cycle. So a client may give you 20 blog posts they want you to write one day, and you may not get any other work for the next month.

I would recommend trying to complete any freelance writing work as quickly as you can get it (while still maintaining a high level of quality, of course.) You never know when additional work will come along, and you don’t want to be turning down jobs because you’re taking your time on a previous assignment.

So if a client gives you several blogs to write, I would try to work through multiple per day. Especially if writing is your fulltime job.

If you have to do the WordPress back end stuff for your posts, you can always schedule them out into the future, or just get everything finished but leave them unpublished until the time comes.


Running a blog is kind of like stoking a fire.

If you want it to keep growing and producing results, you need to continually add a feed of new blog posts, just like a fire needs a constant source of fuel.

If you don’t write at least one blog post per week, you will find it’s difficult to get any kind of traction or drive a significant number of visitors to your blog.

I think that writing 2 or 3 blog posts per week is a good number. It will deliver great results and outperform what most people are doing, but it’s still manageable enough that anyone can keep up with it and devote just a few hours per week to it.

In the early days of your blog, you just want to get as many posts out as possible to start getting recognized by Google and listed in the search results. But once your site is established, I wouldn’t recommend putting out more than one post per day.

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